Laboratory Poems
Grant applications
First holiday here out west
Dreaming of solace
Christmas comes early
When came Zinnia, Greeks and
Ravioli hands
Cat allergies oof
Beautiful people gathered
Sticky clumps hide the goodies
More peroxide please!
The seeds are so small
When will the coffee hit me?
Motivation fades
Pine trees all around
Too many kernels to screen
Views of the valley
Seeing through the trees
Look at the mountains far off
Help, the maize is burnt!
Call it entropy
They knew fermentation is
Qatar is so dry
Plant foods were rare and precious
Nobey spilt them
Survey in Elk Horn
Fresh water lagoon? Salt marsh?
No one really knows
Caribbean dependency
But today we farm
Mexican corn plants
Tall, proud and they feed us all
We need to save them
Volcanic hazards
How did people survivie them?
Did they cahgne their food?
Cooking and burning
Boiling beans or popping beans
Results are pending
Zea mays and wood
Galina homes has nice views
But look there’s a bean
All day I am pulling
I will not count them.
I’m sorry I sneezed
My nose was very itchy
A torrent of seeds
Motes slide across glass
My nose twitches, then achoo…
No more dust to sort
Seed in the bristles
Twist it into the gel cap
Label correctly
Prepping for the feast
Guava, chile everywhere
Who pooped over here?
Composting indoors
Plant remains become plant food.
Nothing goes to waste.
The Quiroste tribe
Did they burn the land often?
They probably did.
Long dissertation
Di Hu and Pomacocha
All good things end.
Nilestun natives
On the river eating food
They're not just fishing.
An aging table
High stochasticity
Lower return rate.
I love phytoliths
Ev'n 'though my dad tried his best
Plant glass ground him down
Dung analysis
Taken to the next level:
Munsell book of smell
Day of the burst pipe
Hot water scalding my heart
Despair drips on scope
Clank of dinner plates
Night of archybotany
Sound of scholarship
We of the lab are
Gathered food, wine, learning, wait
Who just ate my seeds?
Quiroste is cool
All the time plants make me drool
When’s our next dinner?
Delicious creamed corn
Sweet potatoes are divine
Spilled them on my shirt
Suspended sweetly
Pirouetting phytoliths
A new camera
Something to think on
If Di were microscopic
She’d knap phytoliths
Weedy state of mind.
Weeds are just plants out of place.
What plants do I see?
Need a good clean shave?
Check out these copper tweezers
They’re rough but they work.
I’m sorry I sneezed
My nose was very itchy
Get out of my lab
The views of nature
All day at the microscope
So grand yet so small
Chipotle pepper
Sweet potato, quinoa
Ends in happiness
Isotope data
How big is two parts per mil?
The dirty secret